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India has successfully test-fired the indigenously developed Quick Reaction Surface-to-Air Missile

India has successfully test-fired the indigenously developed Quick Reaction Surface-to-Air Missile (QRSAM) from Integrated Test Range at Chandipur off Odisha Coast.The QRSAM is developed by DRDO in collaboration with BEL and Bharat Dynamics Ltd.
 Indigenous developed of QRSAM by DRDO was approved in 2014.It seeks to replace the OSA-AK air defence systems acquired from erstwhile USSR.Indian Army will acquire 8 regiments of QR-SAM from DRDO.QRSAM was first test-fired in 2017.India also has acquired QRSAM Spyder from Israel for IAF.

 Quick Reaction Surface-to-Air Missiles
  • QRSAM is part of India’s air defense system.
  • It is capable of striking targets on-the-move.
  • Strike range of 3-30Km in less than 1 minute.
  • It can strike targets at various altitudes from 30m to 6km.
  • It has a speed of 700-800 meters per second
  • RF seeker (Radio Frequency) as a part of terminal guidance to hit the target.
  • It is propelled by solid-fuel.
  • It has a truck-mounted
  • It has a 360-degree rotatable turret-based launch unit.
  • All-weather and all-terrain operational
  • It is capable of multiple-target engagement.
  • It has both surveillance radars and fire-control radars.
  • It is light-weight, has high-mobility and shorter-reaction time compared to Akash Air Defence Surface-Air Missiles.
  • It is equipped with electronic counter measuresagainst the aircraft jammers to deceive enemy radars.

Air Defence System (ADS)
  • A large country like India needs multi-layered air defence cover.
  • To tackle multi-level air threats, there are 4 categories of Air Defence Systems.
  1. Quick reaction Range Surface to Air Missile (QRSAM),
  2. Short Range Surface to Air Missile (SRSAM),
  3. Medium Range Surface to Air Missile (MRSAM)
  4. Long Range Surface to Air Missile (LRSAM)

Significance of QRSAM in India’s Air Defence System
  • QRSAMs are capable of being deployed both as first line of defence or last line of defence.
  • First line of defence: Due to its high mobility and short reaction time, it can be deployed on the forward tactical battlefield area formations when Army is on the move.
  • Last line of defence: Due to its multiple-target capability, it can be deployed to safeguard military assets.
Note: Thus, it can be used as an effective defence in case Pakistan reacts to the airstrikes carried out by IAF on terror bases at Balakot in Khyber Pakhtunkwa.

Its Capabilities
  • QRSAMs are most effective in combating low flying Aerial targets faced by forward tactical battlefield area formations like
  • Attack helicopters
  • UAVs
  • Armed drones
  • Sub-sonic Cruise missiles
  • Due to light weight and quick reaction time they are capable of urban combat and close-range combat.

Comparison with Akash
  • In contrast, Akash, a MRSAM being built by DRDO, is effective against high flying targets like fighter aircrafts because of high-altitude range of 18Km.
  • Akash with higher warhead payload capacity can be used for static-military asset targets.

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