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What is Pulwama incident? Why 14th Feb is black day for India?

 Pulwama terror attack, Pakistan which sponsored the attack.

.14 Feb 2019 is considered a Black day for India as this is the day in Pulwama, Jammu Kashmir on NH-44 a convoy carrying 40 CRPF personnel was rammed by a car loaded with RDX explosive materials which resulted in deaths of 40 CRPF personnel. This Pulwama attack led to the operations of surgical strikes by India to wipe away terrorists. IAF dropped payloads of explosives into the Balakot area of Pakistan destroying terrorist camp containing 300 terrorists. In response to Balkot strikes Pakistan operated in India there was no damage but Indian fighter jet got shot down in Pakistan leading to the capture of wing commander Abhinandan. Pakistan declared the release of the wing commander as a gesture of peace. Have not this gesture was made India and the world would have witnessed other war.

  • Economic moves:
    • India has removed Pakistan from the Most Favoured Nations status and imposed 200 % customs duty on all goods imported from Pakistan.
    • However, revoking the MFN status has symbolic value only. It will hardly hurt the Pakistan state as the country’s exports to India are 2% of its global exports
    • Military retaliation:
    • In past, coercive mechanisms have been used to induce behaviour change in Pakistan. But the changes, if at all, have been temporary.Though the “surgical strike” after the Uri attack proved effective in the short-term, it alone was not expected to significantly impact the large scale terror infrastructure inside Pakistan.A limited military strike against Pakistan is likely in the current situation with options ranging from airstrikes to ground attacks on Pakistani troops in Kashmir.

  • Getting Pakistan on FATF blacklist:
    • India will lobby to put Pakistan on FATF (Financial Action Task Force) "blacklist" for terror financing & money laundering at the Paris plenary meet. Pakistan was earlier placed on the FATF grey list in June 2018.
    • This will be an effective move if India can convince FATF as it will starve Pakistan of global finance from IMF, World Bank and ADB, further damaging its weak economy.
  • Diplomatic Isolation:
    • Downgrading diplomatic relations with Pakistan, withdrawing India's High Commissioner and putting pressure via other countries can be done to islolate Pakistan.
  • Abrogating the Indus Waters Treaty:
    • India can suspect permanent Indus Commission, which in these circumstances will be legal as Pakistan has behaved like a rogue state. Some analysts say this move in the long run can be bad for India’s interests as it could set a wrong precedent and used against India internationally (especially by China).
  • Calling off the Kartarpur Corridor talks:
    • In November 2018, approval for the construction of the Katarpur Corridor was given by Union Cabinet.
    • The 4 km corridor could link holy shrines of Dera Baba Nanak Sahib in Gurdaspur district of Punjab in India with Gurdwara Darbar Sahib in Kartarpur in Pakistan and could have provided a visa-free access to the shrines.
    • Calling off this project would also have limited impact but will make the point of scaling back of relations with Pakistan from all possibilities.

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