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What is Insights mission of NASA ? know everything related to it.

InSights, NASA’s the Mars’ lander mission, has successfully landed near the equator of the red planet.

About Mission Part of the NASA’s Discovery program, INSIGHT mission was launched in May 2018 to study the interior of Mars.INSIGHT short for Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport, is a Mars lander to study in-depth the "inner space" of Mars: its crust, mantle, and core.The InSight lander will study the deep interior of Mars, taking the red planet's vital signs, its pulse, temperature and reflexes of the red planet.
Components of InSights MissionThe InSight lander mainly carries 3 components namely a seismometer, heat probe and a radio science experiment.InSight carries a seismometer to study the tectonic activities of the red planet that records the waves traveling through the interior structure of a planet called as the pulse of Mars.Further InSight carries a heat flow probe that will investigate how much heat is still flowing out of Mars.InSight also has a Radio Science Experiment (RISE) to check the Mars’ reflexes.Like any rotating body, Mars wobbles as it rotates around its axis.RISE instrument, will study this wobble and test the planet's reflexes.
What does it study?
SeismometerThe seismometer senses seismic waves to study the crust of Mars.Meteorites impacting the surface, magma moving at great depths, or movement along a fault can all cause seismic waves on Mars.Studying the crust of Mars with the seismometer tells us about the temperature, pressure and composition of the stuff that first formed the rocky planets.
Heat Flow ProbeThe heat flow probe burrows 5 meters below the surface of the mars to measure the temperature.Its observations will shed light on whether Earth and Mars are made of the same stuff, and provide an insight into how the planet evolved.
Radio Science ExperimentRISE measures the changes in the location of the lander to reveal how Mars is moving in its orbit.These measurements provide information on the nature of Mars’s deep inner core.They uncover the depth at which Mars’ core becomes solid, and what other minerals, besides iron, may be present.
Significance NASA's InSight lander opens a window into the "inner space" of Mars.By studying the interior of the planet, InSight mission will help us understand how a rocky body forms and evolves to become a planet.Thus it is expected to shed light on the formation and evolution of Mars, Earth, and even rocky exoplanets.

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